

Welcome to 伯勒尔骨科医学院 at 亚洲博彩平台

在1月. 2023, 亚洲博彩平台 and 伯勒尔骨科医学院 签订合作协议 to establish a four-year osteopathic medical school on 亚洲博彩平台’s campus in Melbourne, 佛罗里达, 并提供一个 骨科医学衔接课程亚洲博彩平台的学生. 位于L3Harris Commons大楼, the 伯勒尔骨科医学院 at 亚洲博彩平台 will welcome its first class of medical students in Fall 2024.


伯勒尔骨科医学院 is a private, four-year osteopathic medical school centered on student success and mission medicine. Burrell College is committed to educating a physician workforce representing the population and communities it serves. Burrell College utilizes the latest medical education technologies and methods to ensure student success in all fields of medicine — from primary care to subspecialties like 手术, 麻醉学, 急诊医学.

The Burrell College curriculum provides academic and clinical training in fundamental biomedical and clinical science principles throughout students' first and second years. 伯勒尔学院提供一系列独特的资源, 包括一个混合的大体虚拟解剖实验室, 标准化的病人设施, and a high-fidelity simulation center to enhance students' familiarity with clinical scenarios while developing clinical skills.

成立于2013年, Burrell College is an independent college with two campuses, 新墨西哥州和佛罗里达州, and several regional academic centers throughout Arizona, 德州, 佛罗里达, 和新墨西哥州. 伯勒尔学院将多样性视为一种优势, 体现学校的座右铭, “Para la gente y el future: For the people and the future.”


在医疗保健领域, osteopathic medicine stands out for its holistic and patient-centered philosophy. While many people are familiar with conventional allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine offers a unique perspective on healthcare that emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body's systems and the importance of treating the whole person, 不仅仅是孤立的症状.


整骨疗法的医学, 或骨病, is a distinct branch of medicine that emphasizes a whole-person approach to healthcare. 骨科医生(DOs)接受严格的训练, which includes medical school followed by specialized osteopathic training. They are fully licensed medical doctors who can diagnose and treat medical conditions, 开药, and perform 手术 just like their allopathic (MD) counterparts.


  1. 身体的自我修复能力: 整骨疗法的医学 places great importance on the body's natural ability to heal itself. DOs view their role as facilitators of this inherent healing process.

  2. 身体系统的相互联系: Osteopathic physicians consider the body as a unified system, where all parts are interrelated. They focus on treating the root causes of illness, rather than just addressing symptoms.

  3. 结构与功能: The foundation of osteopathic medicine is the principle that the body's structure and function are intimately linked. Problems in the musculoskeletal system can affect other systems, and vice versa.

  4. 整体护理: 整骨疗法的医学 takes a holistic approach to patient care, considering not only the physical but also the emotional, 社会, 以及健康的环境因素.


  1. 预防保健: Osteopathic physicians often emphasize preventive care and lifestyle modifications to maintain good health. They work closely with patients to create personalized wellness plans.

  2. 减少对药物的依赖:整骨疗法, 包括整骨手法治疗(OMT), can reduce the need for medications or 手术 in some cases. This approach minimizes potential side effects and risks.

  3. 社会的焦点: DOs take the time to listen to their patients and consider all aspects of their health. This personalized approach often results in more accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

  4. 补充与结合医学: Osteopathic physicians are open to incorporating complementary and integrative therapies alongside conventional treatments. This flexibility can lead to more comprehensive and patient-centric care.

  5. 改善患者预后: Many patients report high levels of satisfaction with osteopathic care, 引用更好的疼痛管理, 减少恢复时间, 提高了整体幸福感.

  6. 多样化的专门化: Osteopathic physicians can specialize in various medical fields, 包括家庭医学, 内科医学, 手术, 和更多的. This versatility allows patients to access osteopathic care across a wide range of healthcare needs.

整骨疗法的重点是整体, 以病人为中心的护理, 它强调身体天生的自愈能力, make it a valuable and increasingly popular choice in the healthcare landscape. Whether you seek relief from a specific ailment or aim to maintain your overall health and wellness, an osteopathic physician may offer a unique perspective and a comprehensive approach to your healthcare needs. By recognizing the interconnectedness of the body's systems and treating the whole person, osteopathic medicine empowers patients to take control of their health and well-being.


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